Saturday, July 4, 2009

4 Top Tips for Writing Well

Okay, non of us are "Hemingway's" and we do have our own unique voices when writing. However, as writers we can strive to follow his example in teaching us how to write more effectively. Herewith his 4 top tips.
1) Use short sentences. If you read any of his writings you'll agree that he didn't use flowery adjectives. He got straight to the point. Hemingway wrote with simple genius.
2) Use short first paragraphs.
3) Use vigorous English. Personally, I think our British neighbors "across the pond" implement the English vocabulary within normal conversation much better than we Americans. Their words have more passion and intent. We need to incorporate fresh words into our vocabularies and bust our brains to find ways to do so.
4) Be positive, not negative. This rule confused me at first, mainly because Ernest Hemingway wasn't known to be a jovial fellow. What he is saying here however is that we should strive to say what something is, rather than what it's not. I have to admit that I find this rule challenging and am constantly re-writing my negatives to positives. For example: Instead of saying "this new phone system is "error-free," think positive and say "this new phone system is consistent" or "stable." See the difference?
As a new reporter for the Kansas City Star circa 1917, Hemingway was given the above stated rules. He actually never deviated from those rules during his writing career.
He once told F. Scott Fitzgerald that he actually kept only one page out of every 91 pages he wrote. Wow! That my friends was a writer who wasn't afraid to trash what he didn't consider worthy of telling!
Don't forget our usual meeting times: Lady Lake Writers - monthly 4th Thursday at Lady Lake Public Library - 10:00 a.m. unil noon. No workshop scheduled this month. WGL - Claudette/Coco Parmenter
Oxford Writers: Monthly 3rd Thursday at Oxford Community Bldg. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. WGL - Chris Coward
Lady Lake Writers: You have a choice of printing copies for all members in the group or reading your work solo at the mtgs. Pls. keep in mind that critique of your work is meant to encourage you to reach your writing goals. All members are encouraged to inject positive comments along with any negatives when critiqueing someones work.
Please do not defend your writing. Suggestions given can be taken under advice or trashed. However, if you keep hearing the same suggestions over and over you may want to re-consider what is being said.
New Members: Pls. consider the diversity of all writers in attendance and refrain from using language which is offensive in nature. We know that fowl language is used in some types of stories in keeping with the reality of the scene. In keeping with professional standards, pls. skip the offensive word or simply say "expletive deletive" - we know what the writer intends. Any questions, feel free to contact me.
Thank you one and all for being such a wonderful, enthusiastic group! I regularly get positive feedback on how helpful you are to one another within and outside the group. This is what FWA is all about! "Writers Helping Writers" You're the BEST!
By the way. FWA is growing rapidly. Our statewide membership is now at 920! How about that! Wow! This should make for a terrific conference this year! Check out the FWA website for all the details concerning our 8th statewide conference!

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