Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hop back in the writing saddle

Welcome back from our December recess!
Time to quite playing Cowboys and Indians and get back into the writing saddle!
Scenario: You've decided to attend some type of writers conference in 2010. Arriving at your destination, you check in and plan which events you'll attend. The room is filled with animated voices adding to your excitement of schmoozing with agents, presenters, etc. While exiting your first workshop, an "Ah ha" moment zaps you. You suddenly realize two hundred other writers also want to meet the movers and shakers in attendance. How does the networking process work anyway?
Whether you attend a day, weekend or week long writers conference you'll learn how to sucessfully employ networking skills at our March 25th workshop.
"How To Work a Room - Successful Networking Skills" will be presented by Marcia S. Glatt, who will inspire and motivate you to live your vision. Ms. Glatt was Director of N.A.F.E., President of the Micro Business Alliance of the Greater Rochester Area, Pres. of the Rochester Roundtable, member of Toastmasters International and sat on various boards. She has addressed numerous companies including Xerox, Kodak, and as a keynote speaker is always invited back.
This workshop will be for FWA members only. If you're not a member yet, now is a good time to join our fast growing association to take advantage of this educational venue.
Thanks to many of you who responded to the yearly workshop topics survey. As your Writers Group Leader, I am actively working to present another workshop in June which will be something quite different to help you succeed along your writer's journey. It's all about YOU!
Wishing you all a marvelous writing year and continued participation in keeping our FWA motto - "Writers Helping Writers" alive and well in 2010!
Writers Quote for the week: To the man with an ear for verbal delicacies . . .there is in writing the constant joy of sudden discovery, of happy accident. - Henry Louis Mencken

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